Hot Climate Apples Page 3
Morocco Red – In Morocco I am told they have 2 main apples, Red and Yellow. There are no variety names and these have been selected over centuries. The apples are medium to large and seem to be immune to, or resistant to all major apple diseases here. Very sweet with a little tart flavor they are good for fresh eating and seem to store well. We were lucky to get our start of these from an apple collector who has grown them for many years in the gulf coast region. Impervious to sun or heat , they seem to be a tremendous choice for hot and desert regions. GC
Pink Lady cultivar Cripps Pink was originally bred by John Cripps at the Western Australia Dept. of Agriculture by crossing the Australian apple variety Lady Williams with a Golden Delicious to combine the firm long-storing property of Lady Williams with the sweetness and lack of storage scald of Golden Delicious. The apple shape is ellipsoid and it has a distinctive blush mixed with a green background, The taste is uniquely sweet/tart and is beginning to replace the venerable Granny Smith in many areas. Cripps Pink requires a long, 200-day growth period and a hot climate making them difficult to grow in climates subjected to early winter freezes. Pink Lady is a Brand name that includes several varieties and the one we offer is the true Cripps Pink. CA PHX
The Roxbury Russet is believed to be the oldest apple cultivar bred in the United States, having first been discovered and named in the mid-17th century in the former Town of Roxbury, part of the Massachusetts Bay Colony southwest of Boston. It is a greyish-green russet apple known for its good winter-keeping qualities, as well as its suitability for making cider and juice. It is not widely available due to general commercial disfavor for russet varieties. The yellow-green flesh is firm and coarse-textured, suited for eating fresh and cooking. Although originating in the NE it does very well in the hot areas of the country and is more resistant to pests than many. CA GC
Originating in south Alabama, Shell apple was developed by Mr. Green Shell (born 1841) who developed an industry there around this apple. Rediscovered and propagated recently by Dan Miller, it is a great choice for an organic grower. Shell ripens very early and is self fertile. Due to its early bloom time it makes a great pollinating partner for Anna and Golden Dorsett. A vigorous grower that is somewhat tart, it has a green skin with overlay of red. For fresh eating, it also is a great baking variety CA GC
Sierra Beauty was discovered as a seedling high in the Sierra Nevada mountains. Offered by nurseries for a few years, it became extinct except as an heirloom of one family until "rediscovered" around 1980. Tends toward biannual bearing, so thin heavily for more consistent crops. Its skin is thick with a netted texture, colored green-yellow and striped with red. The flesh of the Sierra Beauty is fine-textured, pale yellow, firm, crisp and juicy. The apple has an excellent balance of sweet and tart, with a tart finish. A beautiful apple with striking appearance it has been a winner in several taste trials. Also good for baking as it holds its firmness under cooking. Ripens late in the season. CA
Originating before the Civil War by Mr Winter of Fulton County, Ga and was sold throughout Georgia and the close states. Well adapted to hot climates, it is a late bloomer that is often known for its long storage abilities due to a thick skin. Terry Winter apples are sweet, juicy and firm with a yellow skin covered with stripes and splashes of red. CA GC
was thought to have originated in New Jersey in 1804 and later brought to Tompkins County, NY where it rapidly gained favor for it’s larger size and very good taste. Locally it was just called “King”. It is a triploid, so it won’t pollinate other varieties. Crisp, tender and aromatic, these very large yellow apples are blushed with red. A vigorous apple that despite its Northern origin grows very well in SoCal and other hot regions. CA GC