Hot Climate Apples Page 2

A once popular apple in the South developed in the early 1900's, It is now very hard to find. Originally grown from seeds of Yellow Transparent in south Alabama, it was recently rediscovered. Sweet, crisp, aromatic and spicy, it also is a very good storage apple. DRD bears reliably, heavy, it ripens late in season and handles extreme heat well. Some say similar to a Winesap in taste and attributes. Very uncommon and hard to find, it is a great addition to a hot weather apple collection. CA.

GoldRush is a late-maturing yellow apple with excellent fruit quality and long storage ability. Another winner from the PRI breeding program it has immunity to apple scab, resistance to apple mildew and fire blight. It was named 'GoldRush' to emphasize its golden ground color and bronze blush combined with its "rush" of flavor. Naturally develops a good central leader and 45 degree crotch angles on branches. CA
Golden Russet is an older cultivar. It was discovered in New York State in the early 1800's. The fruit is characterized by a complex, rich spicy flavor with a high degree of acidity and sweetness. Acidity moderates in cold storage, resulting in exceptional overall quality after 2 to 3 months. The apple retains its complex sprightly flavor and crisp, firm texture for at least 7 months. An excellent cider and juice apple. CA

Hawaii is a gourmet apple with the aroma and taste of the Islands! This beautiful, yellow apple is exceptionally sweet, with the tang and scent of pineapple added for spice. A Golden Delicious x Gravenstein cross it delivers the best of both. In areas with hot summers it is more yellow colored with a light pinkish-orange striping giving an orangish color from a distance, much redder in cooler climates. This apple is considered one of the very best dessert apples, however not the best looking for supermarket shelves. Low chill hours give a long bloom period and an extended harvest. These trees are cedar apple rust resistant. CA

The Joy apple tree was recently discovered a little north of Tallahassee, Fl, It appears to be disease resistant although not fully tested everywhere due to it's rarity. It also seems to be self-fertile, since there are no other apples in the area where it was discovered. The fruit is crisp, sweet and green blushed with yellow with a hint of red. It ripens early in late June and into July. A good choice for the organic gardener. Found growing in Zone 8B. Very little availability due to demand and when found it is very expensive. GC

Junaluska is a rarity, long sought by apple collectors but thought to have been extinct since the 1800’s. In 2001, the well known apple hunter Tom Brown located an apple resembling Junaluska growing in Macon Co., NC, close to the historic Silas McDowell orchard where the tree was sold in the mid-1800’s. Through subsequent research and several follow-up interviews he was able to confirm the identity of the apple. According to Mr. Brown, a 1905 US Department of Agriculture citation states that the original tree was on Cherokee land the US Government was attempting to purchase. However, the Cherokee chief was reluctant to sell the property because his favorite apple tree was located on the land. To settle the issue, State Commissioners agreed to pay the chief an additional $50 for the lot containing the tree. See the full story here . Junaluska is a medium-large, high-quality apple with a distinctive irregular globular form. The dull yellow skin is somewhat rough with raised russet patches and occasional greenish spots. Common to yellow apples it may develop a pale red flush on the sunny side. The tender yellow flesh is moderately juicy and rich with a pleasant subacid flavor. Great for fresh eating it also stores well. GC