Chinese Haw
Chinese Haw
- (Crataegus pinnatifida), also known as Chinese haw, Chinese hawthorn or Chinese hawberry, refers to a small to a medium-sized tree as well as the fruit of the tree. The fruit is bright red, 1.5 inches in diameter. In Chinese, the fruit is called shānzhā (literally meaning "mountain hawthorn") or da hong guo ( literally meaning "big red fruit"). A very attractive species of small, 12’ tall trees from northern China, with clusters of white flowers, grown specifically for their red edible fruits the size of small crab apples. The fruit is made into syrups, preserves, or candied and sold on skewers by Chinese street vendors in the fall. They are a larger fruited relative of our Southern mayhaw. And like mayhaw they would make a great jelly. Chinese hawthorn fruit is antibacterial and contains numerous bioactive constituents including flavonoids and organic acids. Recent trials have shown its ability to lower blood cholesterol, improve blood circulation, and act as a heart tonic. The fruit is also being reviewed for its anti-tumor properties on skin cancer lesions. Easy to grow in most areas, it is self-fertile and is somewhat drought tolerant when established.