Soil Acidifier by Fertilome
Designed to help reduce alkalinity in high ph soils while supplying trace elements vital to acid loving plants such as Roses, Gardenias, Azaleas, Holly, Rhododendron, Magnolias, fruit trees and vegetables.
Very good to add to berry beds right now, The biggest problem here is high ph and this lowers it easily, Good for all plants here and has micronutrients
Application Rate:
Shake well before use and mix at rate of 2 tablespoons per gallon of water. Pour diluted mixture on ground over the root feeding area of the plant. Also can use a hose sprayer. 32 oz. MSRP $12.95 Our Price $11.50
Sequestar® Iron 6% chelate is a water-soluble iron that is readily available to plants. It can be soil applied to prevent or correct iron deficiency (chlorosis). Unlike other brands, Sequestar® Iron 6% is formulated with EDDHA chelate to extend iron availability to plants, especially those grown in calcareous, alkaline or acid soils.EDTA and other chelates will not work in alkaline soils. It may be dissolved in water or spread as a granule. For best results, Sequestar® Iron 6% should either be incorporated into the root zone at planting, injected into the root zone, or surface applied and moved into the root zone by tillage, drenching, irrigation or rainfall.
4 oz. MSRP $ 12.95 Our Price $11.50